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John |
Hello Mark and Joan...I had an interesting experience at the TCF conference's Walk to Remember. I was walking at one point and looked to the people in front of me. One of them had a sign on the back of his shirt memorializing his child, also named "Eric" . I thought of you guys. Then when I got closer, I noticed that the surname for the family in front of me was "Radell"...which, except for the extra "L" an anagram of "Adler" What are the odds of that happening in a walk of 1400 people? Surely a message from Eric.

We missed you at the Conference, look forward to seeing you there next year.
30 July 2007 17:32 - NJ

Pam |
Will miss you at the TCF 2007 convention this year. We'll wear Eric's name on the Walk to Remember.
How you got here: TCF
17 July 2007 02:23 - New Jersey

Denise Defelice Reynolds |
Ive known Joan and Mark for several years, and on several occasions we talk about intersting things. The topic of Loss came up and they shared their story with me. I work where they '' hang out ''. I had to escort some workers into their '' getaway '' and I needed a pen to check off where I had been. I picked up a pen that said in memory of Eric. Thus, I found this site. I have been in the Music industry and do mostly fundraisers in Atlantic City. My next fundraiser on 22 July o7 will divert proceeds, ( my pay for the evening and my profit) to thier foundation. I cant imagine how you go on after this but they do and they prove everyday that their is hope and life after an event such as this. They dont even know my plans. They will either read this or I will call this evening and tell them.
Denise Reynolds DBA The BlackMagic SwingBand
How you got here: by accident
12 June 2007 16:22 - Atlantic City NJ

Ann Zemaitis & Michael Santiago |
We can't even fathom the pain of the loss of your son. We both realize the emptiness that was left behind can never be filled at all. We just hope that the memory of the little things that made Eric special are thought of in glimpses between the pain you carry every day. Our eternal thanks as well that you have educated us to the dangers of food asphyxiation. It is a priceless gift to any parent.
How you got here: Mark
9 June 2007 10:58

therese |
i'v just been reading all about eric.what a moving & wonderful tribute to a beautiful little thoughts are with eric's mum, dad & sister.i lost my son tim 4 yrs & 8 mths ago.i can understand the pain... thank you for sharing your story.
How you got here: just browsing compassionate friends sites
29 March 2007 12:06 - silverdale n.s.w. australia

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